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The Mac-Easy Way of Living

It is 5’clock, you just knocked off from work, the morning was a total rush, and you did not take anything out from the freezer this morning. You feel drained, it was deadlines, and the day took its toll. You make a fast right at the first shopping center; someone will have a special on a family meal. Half an hour later you drive away with four, large pizzas and a two-liter frizzy drink. You smile, one less thing to worry about.

We all can relate to the above scenario. How many people did you talk to in the last month who said, “Can you believe it, it is already April, it feels like the older we get the faster time flies by!”

I like to call this the Mac-Easy Way of Living. We forget about quality. Quality time, quality service, deliver, and perform your daily tasks with pride.

I attended a workshop hosted by Warrick Kernes, an eCommerce entrepreneur. On his list of achievements, he was awarded London’s Young Businessman of 2009 and now sits on the Education Committee for the eCommerce Forum of Africa. During this workshop, he said that South Africans became so used to poor service delivery that they would applaud a cashier for giving them the correct change (my interpretation).

This got me thinking. Why do people start a business or enroll in a new venture? Obviously for financial purposes, but what motivates you, what makes you look forward to getting up before sunrise and going to bed late at night? Passion, people, and making a difference.

Too many businesses are so money-orientated that they forget about key components like applying a personal touch, knowing your client, and seeking ways to meet their needs.

Alexander Den Heijer said, “When a flower does not bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” Business owners or direct line managers vent to therapists, their partners, and colleagues on why they cannot get their organization moving, and why their businesses or department are lacking the desired profits. The problem here is that because of deadlines, online meetings, etc, they also want the Mac-Easy answer. There is no fast fix to success. The best motivational stories are those of mentors and individuals who accept that nothing in life is free (accept love and the air we inhale). No business will ever be without its challenges, but no business can thrive without clients and a dedicated team caring and building a relationship with them.

HelloPeter, of which Diversit-e Smart Trade College is also a Business that responds, has over fifteen thousand businesses registered on their platform where a consumer can share their client experience, good or bad. The business may then respond and was the platform created to improve customer experience.

For some Companies, a forum like this is a thorn in their shoes. At Diversit-e Smart Trade College we encourage our clients to voice their experience. We salute our team for 5-star reviews, but will we always seek ways to better our ever-evolving client expectations. With 952 reviews, a 10 out of 10 trust index, and an average rating of 4.9 out of 5, our aim will always be to give our clients more than what they are paying for.

It is not only businesses that fall victim to the Mac-Easy-Way of Living. As a relations manager, I experience this when making courtesy calls to clients. When starting the trading journey many clients want to jump in the middle of things and not go through the process of learning how to become a successful trader.

Our Smart Online Trader Curriculum and Mentoring was developed not only for the advanced but also for the beginner. With fourteen modules, weekly online mentoring events, and one-on-one coaching sessions, we aim to ensure that the trading journey of every client is a memorable experience. We educate clients to make informed decisions when they manage a self-managed trading account. We emphasize and coach clients on how to apply a stop-loss, risk management, and the most important component, having a trading strategy that supports their objectives.

For anything in your life to be a success, be it family, home, work, or trading, you need to invest your time. Quality time. You don’t need to spend hours studying the markets, you only need to find your preferred trade and understand why you executed the trade. We have a module on the psychology of trading and in this module, we discuss the importance of not making decisions when you are not in the right headspace, closing your laptop or smartphone, and except that we are all human. Not every day will be a good day. Do not dwell on negative situations. Exercise, meditate, and focus on the positives in your life. Even if you must dig a little deeper, there will always be something to be thankful for. When you put everything in perspective, you can register and attend one of our online events. Be sure that our coaches are prepared, and they want you to be excited to trade. You cannot control everything in life, but you can control how react.

The Mac-Easy Way of Living also created shortcuts for businesses. To me, one of the most frustrating things being a client myself, is when I am speaking to a robot. Let us call him “Probie”. Nothing gets me hanging up a call faster than when I call a business and I am unable to have human interaction. I am not receiving value for my money or something that encourages me to write a raving review about when I must spend almost half an hour explaining to Probie, the reason for my call and the response was “I do not understand, can you please repeat the question?”.

Keeping an open communication channel is an art and something businesses must invest their time and resources in. There are so many ways to ensure effective communication, for example, email, WhatsApp, chatbot, SMS, verbal communication, or a face-to-face meeting. Listening and speaking to clients not only creates a trusting relationship but is also a resourceful way to learn more about our clients WHY. In a previous blog post, dated July 2021 I wrote on Find your “WHY”. Our CFO, Lizelle Oosthuizen, will not be persuaded to make a budget cut on the personalized services we offer our clients. She believes that this is why clients continue to refer their friends, family, and colleagues. An in-person or online meeting will also give you more clarity on

your client’s body language, tone of voice, and reaction to your feedback. Our in-house princess of excellence, Caroline, also has a way of letting clients feel appreciated and cared for. She makes it her mission to contact clients and encourages them to reach out to us, no matter what the inquiry is about. If a business chooses to neglect easy access to communicate and approach them it can confuse your clients. It takes an hour to enrol a client but a lifetime to keep them. Like any relationship, a strong foundation can only be built on trust. We encourage our team to listen in a way to understand and find a solution, not merely to respond. Our clients must know they can depend on us, and their voices are being heard.

They say to work smarter, not harder. I don’t always agree with this. If you like and love what you do, learning and improving will be something you look forward to. The key is to set achievable goals. It is okay to pat yourself on the back when you accomplished something. Embrace small victories, this will be the foundation of the empire you build for yourself, and your family, and if you are privileged to own a business the standard you set for your colleagues and employees. Consistency is key. Embrace the small wins (profits) on your trading portfolio and keep doing what works for you rather than taking unnecessary risks and putting yourself in a situation where “trading is not for you”. Trading is for everyone. Keeping an open mind and being comfortable with your trading strategy will protect you mentally and financially.

Never forget the small details. One of my favorite quotes and something I live by, is by Maya Angelou “People will forget what you said, but never how you made them feel”. Let this sink in. You can be a powerful CEO, a dad, a businessman, dealing with clients (yes people), or just the average Joe. How you treat people, your clients, and especially your family and friends, will determine the legacy you leave behind. Don’t brush off things. When you learn, learn to know, and understand. When speak, speak in such a way that people want to repeat what you said. You can influence without having a title. You can choose not to live a fast-food life.

There is nothing wrong with getting those pizzas. Just make sure you invest in proper time management. Days will fly by. Create opportunities for financial well-being and make sure that when the clock of life ticks by you make the most of every opportunity.

Author: Marika Smith

NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: Diversit-e Smart Trade College (Pty) Ltd, its Employees, Sales Executives, Resellers Agents, Affiliates (Partners) and/or Contractors are not registered financial services providers and are not licensed to give any financial- and or investment advice. Diversit-e Smart Trade College (Pty) Ltd, its Employees, Sales Executives, Resellers Agents, Affiliates (Partners) and/or Contractors do not manage any monies for investment purposes. Past performance does not guarantee future growth. Consult our preferred Stock Brokers and or a FSCA regulated Broker and or a Financial Advisor before making any investment decisions. Self-trading the capital markets and or stocks involves risk. Never trade with money you cannot afford to lose. Diversit-e Smart Trade College (Pty) Ltd, its Employees, Sales Executives, Resellers Agents, Affiliates (Partners) and/or Contractors cannot accept responsibility for any losses and or damages suffered in any way. All rights herein reserved.